2020-06-18 16:09 Situational Awareness

Situational awareness

If you were to show someone how to play chess you might start with where the pieces go on the board, explain the rules of the game, demonstrate some universally useful moves like pinning pieces and even some specific moves like Fool's Mate. However, there are no magic solutions in chess and if someone wanted to become a really good player they'd have to apply some thought about where to move the pieces and why. 

Business should be the same, but too often decisions are made with little to no situational awareness — in other words, no clear understanding of why this move will (or won't) work in this environment at this time. 

Businesses who try to 'be like Spotify' or 'do an Amazon' are essentially trying to copy a winning sequence of moves from a past game and expecting them to work in an entirely different game. They then act surprised when it doesn't lead to victory here and start blaming employees ("we don't have the right culture!") for the failure. Whereas the reality is many leaders are simply playing chess without ever looking at the board — making decisions with no situational awareness. 

It is there — improving situational awareness — that leaders should focus their improvement efforts as a matter of urgent need.