Play To Win

Optimise | Strategise | Execute | Level Up

Every leader wants their organisation to succeed, and copying what others have done can seem like a smart move. This often means turning to consultants, who know the models that have worked elsewhere. But there’s no guarantee that what worked for others will work for you.

Your organisation is unique, with different people, capabilities and opportunities. Yet consultants often ignore these as they try to make you fit the model, rather than adapting the model to fit you. Learning from others is wise, but you don’t win by becoming the same as everyone else.

Success comes from finding a unique, better way forward. This requires sharper Situational Awareness to identify where your next best moves are, and greater Adaptivity Intelligence so you can act faster and more effectively than your rivals. This is something we can help you with.
Making Better Moves
Our approach is based on Wardley Mapping — the next big management innovation after Agile. Many of the world’s most ambitious companies are mapping to get ahead and stay ahead.

Isn't it time you joined them?

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Govern the state by being straightforward;
Wage war by being crafty.
— Lao Tzu (Tao Te Jing, 57)