
We work with ambitious medium-sized companies — those playing to win, but who recognise that the old ways of working are simply not working anymore.

Our approach unlocks your organisation’s collective intelligence, tapping into fresh insights from the frontline so you develop the bold strategies needed to outthink and outmanoeuvre larger competitors.

Strategy and execution are two sides of the same coin, so we also focus on refining your teams’ operational skills, ensuring they not only execute effectively but continually find winning moves that help you stay ahead.

Marcus Guest MBA
Marcus has developed a streamlined approach for creating winning strategies and guiding teams to course correcting effectively as they go. Central to this is ‘Wardley Mapping’ — the next big management innovation after Agile — helping leaders and organisations worldwide improve their situational awareness and adapt at speed. Marcus' approach is perfect for those who are 'playing to win’ — rather than just 'playing not to lose'.

Previously, Marcus spent a decade in General Manager roles, successfully transforming and driving growth in several organisations in Europe and Asia, as well as spending several years in strategy at a global consulting firm. Today, he also teaches a master's course on complexity and innovation at the National University of Science and Technology (MISiS).
Dr. Iwan Jenkins
Executives get complete clarity on where and how to move their business forward when working with Iwan. Every strategy is rooted in customer need. Each engagement develops the pragmatic skills of the organisation. All output is clear, simple and persuasive.

Though practically oriented, Iwan recognises the importance of useful theory. He has a Science PhD, has taught exec MBA's, and has published leadership articles in academic Psychology Journals. His 20 years of global consultancy experience is built on a foundation of 20 years blue-chip line management. He appreciates your pressures.
Govern the state by being straightforward;
Wage war by being crafty.
— Lao Tzu (Tao Te Jing, 57)