Coping with Change

Many leaders feel overwhelmed by the speed of change today and often turn to consultants for help. However, outsiders lack a deep understanding of what's happening on your frontline. This is where your team interacts with clients and learns what you're doing right (and should do more of) and what you're doing wrong (so should do less of). These are the insights you should act on.

Yet, despite the wealth of knowledge possessed by their employees, many organisations struggle today to harness this effectively as one-off brainstorming sessions conducted around budget time rarely produce impactful outcomes. But if talent is continually excluded from the decision-making process it seeks opportunities elsewhere, often taking valuable client relationships with it.

Adaptive Leadership Program

Leadership training programs take key people away from the workplace, disrupting productivity. But the Adaptive Leadership Program from PowerMaps brings the training to the workplace. It guides leaders in practically applying the 40 principles used by many of the world’s leading organisations to create a common way of seeing, thinking and acting across your organisation. This creates alignment around a common purpose and equips people with the skills they need to lead effectively in a changing world.

Ready to empower your teams? Watch the short video below and get in touch with any questions:


1/ Innovating Through a Crisis

Facing rapidly changing market conditions, our fintech client demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability. We took a small team of country managers through our program as they rapidly built and rolled out operations in their own countries, simultaneously learning from each other's successes and challenges. This collaborative effort allowed them to establish a new, highly effective operating model that not only weathered the storm but emerge stronger than before.

2/ Up-skilling the Next Generation

Our logistics client, driven by ambitious future targets, recognised the critical need to invest in its next generation of leaders. Through our program, the organisation was able to develop the adaptive leadership skills needed for delivering long-term success without compromising its focus on achieving important shorter-term targets. This enabled the company to effect a seamless transition of leadership to the next generation, whilst continuing their trajectory of growth and innovation.

3/ Reversing Decline

Confronted with an alarming decline in sales, due to a failure to keep pace with industry changes, our construction client took decisive action. By completing just the first part of our program, they were able to identify and overcome the assumptions and outdated practices that had been holding them back. This newfound clarity and adaptability enabled them to double the amount of new business won, demonstrating the power of proactive change in the face of adversity.